Working out on a Friday night

It turned out to be the worst week to get started gymming since I had things planned every night of the week until today (excuses, excuses, excuses – but there was nothing I could do about it). But then today Brian got back from work and on impulse I said, “Let’s workout tonight!”. He wasn’t too charmed by the idea after a full week at work but after I had agreed to stop at the Biltema shop nearby the gym first, he agreed to come with. And, not surprisingly, a Friday night is the perfect night to go gymming – we had the place almost to ourselves. We didn’t have that much time before they closed but it was enough to break into a sweat and admit to ourselves that we could be more fit. I was happily surprised with how big iForm, was since it doesn’t look that huge when you come in, but it turned out there was a second floor with big rooms for group training as well. And that’s what I’ll be doing mostly. While Brian is more the weight lifting type, I’ll be mixing classes of aerobics, zumba and spinning, and occasionally pay a visit to the weight machines. (And then it’s only fair that he occasionally – at least once – tries zumba, don’t you think?)

It’s actually a great feeling because I don’t think I’ve ever had a proper membership at a gym, where you pay a monthly fee and go there as often as you want. I’ve been signing up for short term periods or a 10-time-card before. Then you get very aware of how much each session costs and you want to make it last so you only go once a week, if even. But now I all of a sudden feel like I have free access to the gym and I can go there as often as I want and it feels like I’ve just been presented with a buffet of delicious things to choose from. I can’t wait to get back into doing aerobics and zumba. I’m so excited!!! (Or maybe it’s the endorphins talking after the workout this evening…)

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