In the emotional roller coaster and busy schedule that has been the theme for the past week I completely forgot to tell my blog readers and only posted the news on Facebook – we are here! We have arrived! We made it!!
We arrived in Vilanculos around lunch time on the 30th of March after almost 7 months on the road and 29 551 km through 24 countries.
I will soon post the last report (from the last bit of South Africa, through Swaziland and into Mocambique) and tell you all about what it was like finally getting here. Plus, we will put together the entire route on a map so you can see exactly how we got here and lots of other fun facts on this amazing trip! So the trip itself might be over now – sadly – but there will still be activity on this blog, so thank you for following us this far and stay tuned for more!
Grattis, bra gjort, vad händer nu? Philip i Huskvarna
Hej Philip, och tack! Nu tar vi det lite lugnt med familj och vänner här i Vilanculos ett par veckor, sedan lämnar vi bilen här med familjen och flyger hem till Sverige. Jag har hört historier om minusgrader och snö men vi hoppas verkligen att det är fin vår lagom tills vi landar på Arlanda! :)